October2021- Present


Machine Learning Engineer

  • Experimented with finetuning of Large Language Model (Mistral) using conversational data sourced from diverse dating apps, to provide context-based advice emulating the role of a personalized dating coach. Implemented advanced techniques including information extraction from screenshot images, to compile and parse data in both instruction-based and ChatML formats essential for training a model.
  • Worked on a propensity modeling project for identifying potential customers for all-flash storage solutions for the next 3 to 6-month timeframe using telemetric data. Employed data science skills to clean and simplify data, reducing over 400 features to a concise 250 features, through hypothesis testing and feature selection techniques. Conducted feature engineering to derive new features correlated with the target feature. Trained tree-based models like Random Forest, Decision Trees, and XGboost and achieved an impressive 90% accuracy rate on the test data set. Presented stakeholders with feature importance scores and identified the key features influencing customer propensity.
  • Implemented an autoencoder-based fraud detection system utilizing mean squared error(reconstruction loss) as a performance metric, which rapidly decreased once the transactions were confirmed as normal, ensuring precise identification and prevention of suspicious transactions. Developed a 3D Tensorboard Projector Plot using AWS EC2 as a visualization and analysis tool for fraud experts, to help them identify suspicious transactions and prevent fraud.
  • Developed a job search engine for an HR consulting firm, incorporating a custom NER model for extracting keywords and named entities, which were subsequently processed by a rule-based data retrieval engine connected to a MongoDB database for efficient data retrieval. Additionally, a query recommender system was implemented to enhance the user’s job search experience by providing intelligent query recommendations using semantic search and FAISS in cases where data was not found in the database.
  • Conducted data-driven marketing initiatives by performing exploratory data analysis, implementing KMeans Clustering for customer segmentation, and applying a KNN approach to identify potential customers with similar traits, leading to targeted marketing strategies within a challenging 3-week timeframe and securing a 6-month project extension post a successful proof-of-concept demonstration.
  • Designed a powerful information extraction system for invoices and receipts, merging rule-based and machine-learning techniques. Leveraged rules for precise item extraction from vendor documents, and applied Camelot for tabular data extraction, ensuring data accuracy. Integrated this system into an API for convenient access to consolidated item and cost details.
  • Researched various time series forecasting models, including the ARIMA model, and SARIMA model as well as modern approaches such as RNN, with a focus on employing XGBoost to improve forecasts through feature engineering in challenging time series data for demand forecasting.
  • Implemented concurrent programming (multithreading) techniques to dramatically accelerate data fetching pipelines, achieving a remarkable 15-fold increase in speed. Successfully reduced the time required to fetch one million records from 11 days to just 16 hours. Additionally, implemented a scheduled cron job to enhance the token updation process, ensuring seamless and secure data access by regularly updating access tokens and refresh tokens every hour.

Company Name: FuseMachines

December 2022 – Present


Teaching Assistant| Lecturer

  • Delivered lectures, supervised, and graded assignments for AI Fellowship in Nepal, instructing 50 students for a total of 96 hours in Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
  • Currently conducting TA sessions at AI Fellowship LATAM for 2 batches totaling 96 hours.
  • Delivered 90 hours of lecture and lab sessions to 75 students across 3 batches in Python and Data Science.
  • Designed and implemented comprehensive curricula, including theoretical intuition of Machine Learning and hands-on coding labs.
  • Topics Covered: Python, Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Time Series Analysis, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Generative AI

College Names : Nepathya College, Lumbini College(B.Sc.Cs.It affiliated to Tribhuwan University), FuseMachines (AI Fellowship Nepal & AI Fellowhip Latin America)

Dec 2022 – Present


Machine Learning Intern

  • Performed EDA on Heart stroke prediction datasets, set hypotheses based on EDA, validate the hypothesis, conduct feature engineering and created a binary classification model to predict the whether a person is likely to suffer from heart stroke or not. Choose appropriate metrics for class imbalance dataset and fine tune the model performance.
  • Perform time series analysis on the occurence of violent crimes on different states in the USA from 1975 to 2015 to question the following research questions :
  • i) Are Violent Crime Rates rising or falling in American cities?
  • ii) Which is the most reported violent crime among all violent crimes?
  • iii) Which cities of America have reported the most number of violent crime cases?
  • Worked on sentence similarity and ranking algorithm to recommend top similar questions from quora to the user.
  • Created an deploy pneumonia detection app using flask and streamlit.

Company Name: LeapFrog Technology, Inc.

May 2020 – July 2020


Computer Vision Engineer

  • Reconstructed 3d objects from two 2d images captured using stereo vision
  • techniques by applying Camera Calibration and Stereo 3d Reconstruction
  • algorithms available in opencv.
  • Estimated and constructed depth maps from 2d images to visualize the depth of
  • an image by using depth estimation algorithms
  • Conducted Experiments on various state of the art object detection algorithms like
  • Yolo, SSD and MaskRCNN on custom objects to recognize the objects present in
  • the video.

Company Name: SelCouth Technology

Aug 2018 – Feb 2019


Data Analyst Intern

  • Conducted analysis of survey data of Gaindakot and Raskot municipality by using
  • Excel and SPSS software.
  • Submitted a detailed report to the client by listing all the major findings that have
  • been obtained from analysis.
  • Worked with tedious, unstructured and large volumes of data from a survey which
  • helped increase my analytical and problem solving capability.

Company Name: Mahuri Ventures